Discharge Procedures
Discharge Procedures
Step 1. Ensure that the vehicle is securely braked, chocking wheels if necessary.
Step 2. Contact the local supervisor to ensure that there is adequate space in the receiving tank. If product is already present in the receiving tank check that it is identical to the cargo being discharged.
Step 3. Where safety or fire fighting equipment is required, position it upwind of the tank.
Step 4. Make earth connection from tank earthing point to local earth positions.
Step 5. Check that the hose connections have the same thread or fitting as the tank connections. Ensure that the correct joint rings and gaskets are used, and that they are compatible with the cargo.
Step 6. Check appropriate facilities exist for the draining of hoses and valves.
Step 7. Check the setting of the valves to the receiving tanks.
Step 8. For discharge by pumping or by gravity ensure that the danger of implosion is avoided by opening the manlid (or airline valve to vapour return line if closed system is being used). Ensure that venting is not prevented by any solidified cargo in the airline or relief valves.
Step 9. For discharge with top pressure ensure a gauge is visible and in a serviceable condition to monitor the pressure applied.
Step 10. It will assist discharge through top or bottom outlet if the tank is sited to drain towards the rear.
Step 11. Notify the station supervisor when the tank is ready for discharge.
Note: For cargoes being carried under an inert gas blanket, see section on Gas Blanketing.
Step 1. Ensure that the vehicle is securely braked, chocking wheels if necessary.
Step 2. Contact the local supervisor to ensure that there is adequate space in the receiving tank. If product is already present in the receiving tank check that it is identical to the cargo being discharged.
Step 3. Where safety or fire fighting equipment is required, position it upwind of the tank.
Step 4. Make earth connection from tank earthing point to local earth positions.
Step 5. Check that the hose connections have the same thread or fitting as the tank connections. Ensure that the correct joint rings and gaskets are used, and that they are compatible with the cargo.
Step 6. Check appropriate facilities exist for the draining of hoses and valves.
Step 7. Check the setting of the valves to the receiving tanks.
Step 8. For discharge by pumping or by gravity ensure that the danger of implosion is avoided by opening the manlid (or airline valve to vapour return line if closed system is being used). Ensure that venting is not prevented by any solidified cargo in the airline or relief valves.
Step 9. For discharge with top pressure ensure a gauge is visible and in a serviceable condition to monitor the pressure applied.
Step 10. It will assist discharge through top or bottom outlet if the tank is sited to drain towards the rear.
Step 11. Notify the station supervisor when the tank is ready for discharge.
Note: For cargoes being carried under an inert gas blanket, see section on Gas Blanketing.